26/04/2020 Rachida Aziz 628Comment

It is finally beginning to dawn on people that life will not return to normal on May 3rd, nor in June, July or August. If you are still secretly hoping it will, wake up and smell the coffee. The virus is here to stay and we’d better learn how to deal with it. And dealing with it means: working together to ensure there are as few victims as possible. That wil inevitably entail major changes in our lives. That is the brutal hard message, the consequences of which are hard to imagine. The alternative is to continue the current lock-down…

25/03/2020 Rachida Aziz 4Comment

“Look closely at the present you are constructing:  it should look like the future you are dreaming.” ― Alice Walker There are no precedents for what is happening to us now, there just aren’t. Of course, we’re looking back at the great calamities that happened during our recent history. We compare this pandemic to the Spanish Flu, causing more deaths in 1918 – 1919 than the four years of war that came just before, or we compare the worldwide mobilisation that is happening now to the mass mobilisations of World War II. Although some things might seem similar, none of these…